
Pictured Above: A Ficus Golden Gate Bonsai Tree. *Not included with the workshop*
Green Thumb Tip: When watering using the overhead watering method, always mist the surface before applying water from overhead or too much runoff will occur.
Bonsai trees date back to the year 600 A.D. in China. They were known to the Chinese as Penjing, meaning “planting on a low pot,” and were reserved only for nobles and priests. In the 19th century, they were given the name of “bonsai” by the Japanese who adapted the tradition. The Japanese consider the bonsai a meditative practice and regarded the bonsai as a reflection of its owner.
Lamont Jackson is Telly’s resident bonsai master and instructor. He is a past-President of the Four Seasons Bonsai Club of Michigan and serves on the board of the Midwest Bonsai Society. Jackson trained with Roy Nagotoshi and studied with numerous bonsai masters and experts across the world. Lamont is available for private tutoring, potting, and bonsai care on Saturdays. To reserve time with Lamont, please call our Troy Store at (248) 689-8735.
We hold our Bonsai Workshops every first and third Saturday year round. You can also stop into Telly’s in Troy and sign up in person for our workshops!
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